Periodontology deals with the treatment of gum diseases.
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If you’re wondering what periodontology is, it’s a branch of science that deals with diseases that occur in the gums and bones that surround the roots of teeth, and their treatment. Dentists who have completed their doctorate education in the field of periodontology are called periodontists. In this article, we have compiled all the details you need to know about periodontology.
What is Periodontology?
Periodontology deals with the treatment of gum diseases. Any disease that occurs in the gums is treated in the field of periodontology. Individuals who experience gum problems can regain healthy oral and gum health by receiving treatment in the field of periodontology.
There is a tissue that surrounds the hard and soft structures that surround everyone’s teeth. These tissues are crucial for oral and dental health. Inflammation that occurs in teeth or gums can eventually lead to tooth loss. Early diagnosis and treatment are necessary to prevent this from happening. In the field of periodontology, the continuity of this healthy structure is also important, in addition to diagnosing and treating the disease.
What Causes Gum Diseases?
Gum diseases can cause bleeding, receding, swelling, sensitivity, and bad breath in the gums. The formation of abscesses and changes in the color of the gums are also among the most common gum diseases.
The main causes of these types of gum diseases are listed below:
• Irregular brushing of teeth
• Formation of bacterial plaque
• Smoking
• Frequent and intense medication use
• Stress
• Dietary habits
• Excessive alcohol consumption
How is Periodontology Treated?
Different stages come to the forefront in periodontology treatment. Generally, the treatment stages in periodontology can be listed as follows:
• Diagnosis of the disease One of the most critical stages of periodontology treatment is to diagnose the disease accurately. The correct diagnosis is made through obtaining pre-information from the patient, performing clinical examinations, and radiographic evaluations.
• Sharing the necessary information about the disease and oral care In the treatment of gum diseases, patient awareness is essential. For this reason, the patient plays an important role in the success of the treatment by adhering to the information and recommendations shared by the dentist.
• Professional oral and dental cleaning Hygiene is crucial in periodontology treatment, as in other dental treatments. Therefore, before starting the treatment, the stones on the teeth must be completely cleaned. At the same time, a polishing procedure is applied to the tooth surfaces. Depending on the severity of the inflammation in the gums, a deep cleaning procedure called subgingival curettage is applied to the location of the teeth and the tooth roots.
• Antibiotic treatment Antibiotic use is recommended for some patients in periodontology treatment. This treatment is applied in cases of acute gum infections. In addition, the use of antibacterial gargles is recommended in periodontology treatments.
• Surgical treatments and applications Surgical treatment in periodontology is only applied in advanced cases. With the help of general or local anesthesia applications, the gum tissue is first removed from the bone tissue and tooth surfaces. Then, the tissues that are covered with inflammation inside the gum tissue and on the tooth surfaces are cleaned. Afterwards, bone grafts and powders that will support bone formation are placed. In the final stage, the gum tissues are carefully sutured back to their original locations.
• Complementary and supportive treatments Complementary and supportive treatments continue with periodic check-ups. These periods are generally done every 3 or 6 months. It is essential for patients not to neglect their periodic check-ups at this stage.
You can make your appointment from Aesthetic Dentistry & Orthodontist Dr. Burak Büyüktürk clinic by filling out the form on the side.
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